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Dave tears down and attempts repair on a 1989 vintage Acorn Archimedes A3000 Computer, using the very first ARM processor, the Acorn RISC ARM v2Service manual: ...
In this video I do a quick run-down of my vintage computer collection, which includes: Acorn BBC B Acorn Electron Amstrad CPC 6128 Amstrad PCW 256 Atari 2600 A...
Nabil Shaban's hit song "So You Want To Meet An Alien" is now available as a download from iTunes. This is just one of 16 tracks from his album "From Little Aco...
Espai setmanal que ofereix documentals de producció pròpia i els produïts per altres cadenes de televisió, com ara la BBC o ARTE, que han marcat la pauta de...
Almost all of gadget aren't waterproof. When they contacted with the water, it means disaster. So, the scientists invented the technology called Hydrophobic .Pl...